Spruce Creek South: Retirement Community for Active Adults

When evaluating our product, neighborhoods that have an older demographic, like a retirement community, often express concern that their residents don’t have access to the Internet so they won’t use the neighborhood website.

My experience is that the age of a community is not an issue.

Case in point: Spruce Creek South is a retirement community in Florida. They currently have 651 residents that have registered for website access and subscribed to their email newsletter.

I have provided a screen shot of their email newsletter that was sent out today to give you an idea of the participation level in their community. My observation has been that older communities are very active, an in some cases, post more “Events” than any other neighborhoods that we have online.


UPDATE: According to the property management company for Spruce Creek South, the average age of a resident is 70 years old.

9 thoughts on “Spruce Creek South: Retirement Community for Active Adults

  1. Interested in this community. Looking to rent this winter(coming) with intention to look around for a permanent move.

  2. Pingback: community management

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